Doves 2009/05/15 Fri. 07:00PM House of Blues Anaheim, CA, USA 暖場團:Pop Noir / Wild Light
沒錯,Anaheim 的House of Blues就在 Disney Dr. 上,嚴格來說,就在Disney Downtown裡。在樓下餐廳用完餐後,往樓上場地前進……很不幸地,這個場地管理十分嚴格,不論是專業還是傻瓜、舉凡相機都被要求放在櫃台保管,而且還額外收了$3的保險費!對這件事情一整個讓人怨念很深啊,這麼小氣是怎麼回事!
(後來聽說Travis美國最後一站在波士頓的House of Blues巡迴,有四個醉漢鬧場,卻遲遲沒有保安人員處理,整場演唱會受到很大影響,更讓安可曲目少了幾首(詳情見此論壇中稍長的回文)。雖然說是波士頓,不過連鎖場地應該是會適用一樣的規則吧?!讓我更加忍不住碎碎念:這場地是怎樣,柿子專門挑軟的吃嗎?讓歌迷拍個照是會掉塊皮少塊肉嗎?影響演唱會進行的醉漢不趕快拖走,只會叫人把相機拿去保管!)
Pop Noir Pop Noir @ My Space 這是個洛杉磯、Costa Mesa一帶的本地團,2004年創團。此次鴿子在 Anaheim和San Diego的演出,他們都充當第一個暖場團。rascal覺得偏post-punk;有鑒於我本人對這種搖滾樂分類掌握度頗低,我也就不擅加分類啦。總體而言算是悅耳、節奏分明、帶點電音,蠻適合跳舞的,不過就是變化有限,整個set聽起來都很像。但有一首我個人印象比較深刻的是”Santa Ana”,加入小喇叭的編曲聽起來很不錯。可惜因為人數不足(?),演出時小喇叭部份是預錄的,這點實在讓我覺得很可惜,至於其他曲目我就沒有太深刻印象。
相較Pop Noir的混亂失衡,他們顯得有條不紊、頗有大將之風。主唱的聲音相當明亮、音域也蠻廣的,除此之外,鼓手、貝斯手、鍵盤手都能唱,鍵盤用得多、音色蠻豐富的。整體來說我覺得還蠻不錯。雖然不是會讓我熱血沸騰、眼睛閃閃發亮往前衝的聲音,可是覺得還蠻悅耳的。他們的”California on My Mind”我覺得很好聽!我記得好像是他們開場的第一首吧?
(題外話:"My Father Was A Horse"這甚麼笨曲名啊!害我忍不住當場大笑。)
說真的我接觸搖滾時間短,鴿子團是因為之前聽了新專輯深受感動下,才把他們之前專輯一張張找來聽。自然我聽得最熟的還是這次的新專輯 Kingdom of Rust。因此一發現他們來巡迴,就開始招兵買馬、組成龐大鴿子團(一度膨脹到八人,最後也有五人同行)。
因為我最喜歡、最期待、也是這次新專輯的主打歌”Kingdom of Rust”,我事先就篤定知道他們一定會唱這一首,最後卻讓我有些失望。可能是沒有在開始前先打節拍的關係吧,似乎一開始沒有配合上,以至於人聲切入的時間點顯得有點倉促、不是很合拍,前頭有些亂。雖然不多久就好了,可是我就是覺得遺憾啊,其它首歌也就算了,可這一首是我反覆聆聽、聽到入神時甚至眼角還會有點點微濕的歌啊!因此我的失落感有點大,以至於後來的曲子我沒辦法那麼放鬆地聆聽,總有點害怕是不是會有些地方表現不是那麼穩呢?
Doves Set List: Jetstream Snowden Winter Hill Rise Pounding Almost Forgot Myselff 10:03 Words The Greatest Denier Kingdom of Rust Ambition Black and White Town The Outsiders Caught by the River
Northenden Here It Comes Last Broadcast There Goes the Fear
Youth Group - Forever Young (Live ARIA Awards 2006)
原唱:Alphaville - Forever Young (original video)
Jay Z- Forever Young 這是我比較不喜歡的版本
Let's dance in style, let's dance for a while Heaven can wait we're only watching the skies Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst Are you gonna drop the bomb or not
Let us die young or let us live forever We don't have the power, but we never say never Sitting in a sand-pit, life is a short trip The music's for the sad men.
Can you imagine when this race is run Turn our golden faces into the sun Praising our leaders, we're getting in tune The music's played by the mad men
Forever young, I want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever, forever, forever? Forever young, I want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever, forever, forever?
Some are like water, some are like the heat Some are a melody, some are the beat Sooner or later they all be gone Why don't they stay young?
It's so hard to get old without a cause I don't want to perish like a fading horse Youth is like diamonds in the sun and diamonds are forever
So many adventures couldn't happen today So many songs that we forgot to play So many dreams are swimming out of the blue We let them come true
Forever young, I want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever, forever, forever? Forever young, I want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever, forever, forever?
Forever young, I want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever, forever, forever?
Forever young, I want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever, forever, forever?