圖說:離開時照的,可以看到兩天都賣光了。我還沒注意到左上角有個 AMD 的廣告呢。 |
記得當初搬到灣區時,曾經和灣區搖滾社交界第一把交椅蘇菲提過我想看 Neil Young。沒想到她竟然表示 Neil Young 每年都在 Mountain View 辦慈善音樂會,想看就有得看、看到不要看。當下我只覺得:「哇!這發言真是太豪氣了!」
So, this is it: The Bridge School Benefit Concert.
圖說:離開時照的,可以看到兩天都賣光了。我還沒注意到左上角有個 AMD 的廣告呢。 |
伊朗‧設拉子 (Shiraz):Bagh-e Eram (天堂花園)‧Kakh-e Eram 本圖取自網路。屋舍前的長形階梯水道讓我想到印度 Rajasthan 一帶的城堡庭園設計。 |
Steve Jobs
Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being. Those of us who’ve been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve lost a dear friend and inspiring mentor. Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple.