
[Coachella 2009] The Cure

圖說:話說 The Cure 的團員實在更迭太頻繁了~這張照片就聊作代表吧。The Cure in 1987: 左起為Roger O’Donnell、Lol Tolhurst、Porl Thompson、Robert Smith、Boris Williams、Simon Gallup。
"It's so pitiful when 'goth' is still tagged onto the name The Cure [...] We're not categorisable. I suppose we were post-punk when we came out, but in total it's impossible [...] I just play Cure music, whatever that is." 
–- Robert Smith 2006

這兩天都沉浸在The Cure的音樂中。雖然典型的 The Cure出現時都頂著蓬鬆的亂髮、一臉慘白、又有著血盆大口,不過的確就如同靈魂人物Robert Smith說的,他們的音樂從清新脫俗的少年維特的煩惱一直到詭異慘淡、猶如秋墳鬼唱詩的風格(即所謂歌德風)都有。

對於這次在 Coachella 2009 上到底他們會演出多久、會演出多少曲目,官網上議論紛紛,從75分鐘的版本一直猜到3小時。不過由於是車輪戰性質,三小時應該是不可能的吧!

這次很幸運地找到了 Jenny 中文網誌"What's wrong with a little destruction?"系列介紹 "This is The Cure",強烈推薦閱讀!內容紮實,有八卦有講評,雖然還沒有全部完結(我會密切注意連載的 XDD),不過不管是The Cure的舊雨新知,都是溫故知新的最佳良伴!另外 Jenny 針對最新專輯也有系列追蹤報導,也一併附上。

可對 The Cure 一覽全貌的介紹:
Join 【懸崖邊的脫衣舞孃-- The Cure 】in "搖滾尼希利"
("搖滾尼希利"紙本書已絕版。所附上連結為 Join 的 blog - Join的拐角處

既然說是為了 Coachella 做準備,官網上有一篇關於可能出現的 Set list討論可以順便看一下!Click Here
2007/10/06 Live 的 Set List
2008/05/25 live 的 Set List

THe Kiss Live (2002) 這個我超愛的!

Burn (電影”The Crow”主題曲) –據說自從少了鍵盤手之後,不太會出現在現場演唱的Set裡。不過我還是很想聽聽看啊!

MV- Lullaby 這真是太詭異的一首歌了,可是實在很歌德很有趣啊!我覺得超適合配提姆波頓的電影!

MV-Why Can't I Be You? 超嗨超歡樂。穿著奇異服裝跳著怪怪舞步的 The Cure....XDD

If Only Tonight We Could Sleep 
我也很愛的 Placebo & The Cure 的這個 Live 版本。前面的前奏很有東方風的感受。

奇妙的合唱版本 Play for Today (live @ Mexico 2007)
為了彌補現在的團員缺少鍵盤手的遺憾,現場觀眾高興地合唱原本應該是 Keyboard 的旋律~~實在太歡樂太嗨了啊!!沒有觀眾自發性地當Keyboard的角色,這個演出就不夠 Play for Today 了啊!!


Play for Today 本來的錄音室版本(不能嵌入,所以請點選連結)。 可以和上面的版本對照!XDDD 

The Cure 唱片一覽:
Formation and early years (1973–1979)
Three Imaginary Boys (1979)
This is THE CURE: Part 1, Boys Don't Cry

Gothic phase (1980–1982)
Seventeen Seconds (1980)
Faith (1981)
Pornography (1982)

This is THE CURE: Part 2, Seventeen Seconds
This is THE CURE: Part 3, Faith
This is THE CURE: Part 4, Pornography
This is THE CURE: Part 4.5, Japanese Whispers

Increasing commercial success (1983–1988)
The Top (1984)
The Head on the Door (1985)
Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me (1987)

This is THE CURE: Part 5, The Top
This is THE CURE: Part 6, The Head on the Door
This is THE CURE: Part 7, Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me

Disintegration and worldwide success (1989–2002)
Disintegration (1989)
Wish (1992)
Wild Mood Swings (1996)
Bloodflowers (2000)


話說 Jenny 系列連載還沒連載到這個時期的 The Cure。XD [3/2更正:有寫到 Disintegration!已經用力催稿了~XDDD]

看看另一篇也寫得很讚的 Disintegration 的評論吧!
The Cure - Disintegration @ CINERAMA

對了,這篇提到 Shout Out Louds 聲音很像The Cure,恍惚勾起我的回憶。這個團 Coachella 2008有來參加耶!我還記得我和 cloudwind 聊天說這個團的團名很憤怒,但是聲音卻很清新脫俗,一整個花草風~!(文章見此

This is THE CURE: Part 8, Disintegration
This is THE CURE: Part 9, Wish
This is THE CURE: Part 10, Wild Mood Swings

This is THE CURE: Part 11, Bloodflowers

Recent years (2003–present)
The Cure (2004)
4:13 Dream (2008)

Jenny 對 4:13 Dream 的追蹤相關報導! XD

新聞插播,pt. 2 The Only One
新聞插播,pt. 3 Freakshow
新聞插播,pt. 4 Sleep When I'm Dead
新聞插播,pt. 5 The Perfect Boy
新聞插播,pt. 6 New Cure Album 4:13 Dream
10 Things You (Might) Need to Know About 4:13 Dream

話說天團們的成員總是分分合合,以下列出 The Cure 的團員。(資料來自wiki)值得筆記一下 Jenny-10 Things You (Might) Need to Know About 4:13 Dream 裡的 #5:

"5.別看The Cure老是在分分合合,看起來總是在換人,即使最資淺的團員在團中的資歷也比一堆現在的樂團團齡長:鼓手Jason Cooper已經待了13年,吉他手Porl前後加起來有15年,貝斯手Simon Gallup有27年,至於Robert本人就不用提了,The Cure的33個年頭哪少得了他呢?"

Robert Smith – lead vocals, guitar, keyboards, six-string bass (1976–present)
Simon Gallup – bass guitar, keyboards (1979–1982, 1985–present)
Porl Thompson – guitar, keyboards (1976–1978, 1983–1993, 2005–present)
Jason Cooper – drums, percussion (1995–present)

Past members
Lol Tolhurst – drums, percussion, keyboards, drum machine, other instruments (1976–1989)
Michael Dempsey – bass guitar, vocals (1976–1979)
Matthieu Hartley – keyboards (1979–1980)
Phil Thornalley – bass guitar (1983–1984)
Andy Anderson – drums, percussion (1983–1984)
Boris Williams – drums, percussion (1984–1994)
Roger O'Donnell – keyboards, percussion (1987–1990, 1995–2005)
Perry Bamonte – keyboards, guitar, six-string bass (1990–2005)

The Cure 討論噗

2 則留言:

  1. 哈囉我來了:D
    看到這篇還真是既令人開心又害羞XD 不過既然來了還是自己賣瓜一下好了,其實我有寫到Disintegration(雖然那後面就真的中斷了XDrz):http://blog.roodo.com/fergindon/archives/7244007.html

    The Cure對表演的長度一向是非常大方的,我猜想在Coachella一定會超過90-100分鐘,至於歌單應該是新舊交替吧,從去年的4 Tour歌單中應該可以看出大概:) 我也好想再多看幾次他們表演啊!看The Cure是永遠不嫌多的呀!(突然又怨念了起來)很期待你到時的Coachella感想!如果他們有在那裡唱Play For Today我一定會超怨念......

  2. 你來了~(握)話說我很期待看到新連載 XDDD
