
Coachella 2012 改為兩個周末!2011/6/3開賣!

沒想到 2011 的 Coachella 心得都還沒寫完,主辦單位今天早上竟然要發布了一個新消息:Coachella 2012 將改為兩個周末,理論上會是一樣的演出陣容。雖然礙於場地大小無法更改,但此舉立時可以讓人數倍增!美西時間這周五(6/3)早上十點開賣,買票的人只能選擇要嘛去第一周,不然去第二周,兩周都想去就要買兩次票。

更令我介意的另一個部分是,這次的露營劵已經言明「不可轉讓」。我不知道他們要怎麼保證「不可轉讓」,但看到洛杉磯時報的報導有提到主辦單位正在考慮多種方式,包括在票券上印人名和照片(事實上我聽說 Glastonbury 就是這麼做的)。這一點真的很讓人困擾啊!畢竟現在距離明年 Coachella 還有將近一年的時間啊!不買票怕到時候買不到,先買票又怕到時候有變數。不能轉讓的彈性實在太小了啦。
We're excited to announce Coachella 2012 will be held over TWO WEEKENDS.

In an effort to try and accommodate everyone who wants to experience the festival, COACHELLA 2012 will be two separate events, held over two consecutive weekends. We will attempt to produce two identical festival weekends. That means same lineup, same art, same place, different people.

We know many of you were unable to attend this year's festival because passes sold out much sooner than anticipated. We were truly surprised by the overwhelming response and remain honored by your passion and enthusiasm. We also know some of you purchased through non legitimate sources and were inconvenienced, gouged or totally scammed. We hope that these changes will give everyone the opportunity to purchase directly from Coachella.com.

Passes go on sale beginning this Friday, June 3rd, 2011, at 10am PST until the following Friday June 10th, 2011, at 10pm PST. This advance sale will be the only opportunity to take advantage of the Coachella Payment Plan. Passes will be available through a payment plan of 10% down and 8 equal monthly payments OR by payment in full. The price of three-day passes remains at $269 plus fees for the sixth consecutive year.

Coachella Weekend 1 - April 13-15, 2012 | Coachella Weekend 2 - April 20-22, 2012

2 則留言:

  1. 明年我一定要去(嘴砲)

    過來回報昨天參加完 Leeds (原本想在Ptt上面寫, 但是我不會用而且想想也不知道要寫什麼 XD)
    昨天聽了 Frank Turner, Folk Rock ??
    英國人和他很熟的樣子 lol
    每個怪歌都會唱 XD
    還有 Friendly Fire, 很好聽(只會寫這種感想)!!!!!
    The Views, 主唱腳被菜刀砍到但是依舊上台.... 然後他的英文我完全聽不懂(抱頭)
    We are the ocean 是詭異雙主唱組合
    吉他手/Vocal聲音很 Rise Against, 另外一個 Vocal 聲音超騷聲, 然後就一直舞台上台下奔跑
    聽到 Taking Back Sunday 還有 Enter Shikari 都會單純因為是從美國來的團然後支持一下
    Leeds was raining and so cold....

    果然沒什麼內容 XD
    Sorry 亂 po 在這裡.....

  2. 喔耶~~一定要來啊!!多來逛逛 OK 滴!!
    被菜刀砍到腳還上台好嗨啊 XDrz
    不過我超討厭下雨又寒冷的音樂祭,看來我應該是不太會去英國的音樂祭了吧 XDDD
